Today, I was given 5 pairs of beautiful capri pants. I love them, but there is a slight problem that prevents me from wearing these pants- They are size 14 and I am a size 22. I comfortably fit into a size 22 but it is a big improvement (in my eyes and maybe mine only) because not that long ago, I was wearing a size 26 with very much difficulty. I have already managed to go down 4 sizes.
8 more sizes does not sounds so outlandish. It even seems like something I can readily accomplish within the next 6 months or sooner if I really apply myself to my weight loss/exercise/eating right regime.
I have small (clothes) dreams.
I must admit, that this week has not been a good one behaviorally. I have gone to Starbucks everyday this week and on some days twice a day ,except for Monday.
My goal was to lose 2-3 pounds by Saturday, February 13th, 2010
My weight on February 6th was 231.8 pounds
My current weight today (Thursday 2/11/10) is 231.5
So even though I have made some mistakes, and I have not accomplished a single one of the goals I set last week, I have still not gained weight, which is no consolation because I didn't achieve my goal of 2-3 pounds.
Maybe I will weigh a little less in the morning. It is, after all, the end of the night. Whatever helps me sleep better, right?
It's never too late to start over again.
I am going to start my new week promptly tomorrow morning.
Goal for Friday, February 19th, 2010- to weigh 229.5 pounds
My current weight: 231.5
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