I am not Irish, nor do I presume to be, but I am feeling rather superstitious today and feel it would be nice to have an Irish wedding ring, otherwise known as a Claddagh Ring. I saw some beautiful ones on ebay.
"The ring is worn on the right hand with the heart facing outward to show that the wearer is not romantically linked but is looking for love. When turned inwards, it is shown that the wearer is in a relationship, or their heart has been "captured". Noting that the heart is pointing down the hand and into the veins which lead to the wearer's heart. The ring worn on the left hand with the heart facing outward shows the wearer is engaged; turned inward indicates the wearer is married" Quoted from Wikipedia when I did a google search for Claddagh Ring Meanings
Maybe it's not superstition as much as it is I am hoping someone will notice that I am wearing the ring in the way that indicates I am not in a relationship, but looking for love.
On another note, I have been making some big behavioral changes regarding my eating for....2 days....better late than never, right? I realized yesterday that since November 10th of 2009, I have only managed to lose 5.3 pounds. Thats less than 2 pounds per month, when my goal had been 2 pounds per week.
So, I began eating healthier yesterday and I didn't go to Starbucks yesterday. I am trying to only go once a week as a reward and then only have something light or nonfat. So far, so good, although the temptation to roll through the Starbucks drive through is intense.
My car has a mind of its own. It just drives me through the Starbucks drive through against my will and once I am at the Window, well, what can I really say? "MY DAEWOO MADE ME DO IT?" so then I order something.
I guess it doesn't really happen this way, but it may as well.
Even though the number on the scale doesn't show a big decrease, my pant size shows a decrease, my waist size and my body feels some how thinner.
Above is a picture of me in December of 2009 and one a few days ago. I think I have made some progress even though the scale only shows a 5.3 pound weight loss.
Can anyone give me any suggestions because I want to see the number on the scale go down alongside my waist size. Maybe it's an Ego thing, I don't know.
My good friend had Lap Band surgery this morning and I feel so inspired to get back on track and know that we can support each other, go on walks together and be allies on our weight loss journey. I feel so happy that I finally have someone to share this with.
I have to cut this short because I have a class in half an hour. but when I get home at 9:20 I will catch up on the blogs on my list.
Diane Herrera
I think you are on the right track - those liquid calories have been killing you! Just keep plugging away and you'll get the results you want. Two pounds a month is frustrating, but it is a loss. When was your last fill? It sounds like you might need a bit more restriction. Congrats on having a friend along with you on the journey. I bet that will really help!